Repair Your Sinking Concrete Steps | Indianapolis

leveling stepsSo many people ask us: What can be done to raise my sinking concrete steps? There is one answer that always comes to mind: We can fix them! There are so many “suggestions” on the internet on how to repair sinking concrete steps, like using a car jack and putting bricks under or just pour more concrete on top until the steps are flush again. While these “suggestions” will certainly do something, it’s not what we’d call safely fixing the problem. There is however a safe, effective and professional method by which we can fix your sinking concrete steps, and that is concrete leveling in Indianapolis.

Steps are an inherently dangerous obstacle in our home, but when those steps are uneven, crooked or retain water because they are sloped, they become even more dangerous. We can raise your steps to meet your standards in order to restore them to a safe, usable condition once again. But there are more reasons than just safety to level your uneven steps.

When concrete entrance steps begin to sink, this creates gaps that can let water in. Without even being able to see it, because it’s beneath the steps, water may be pooling around your foundation causing mold, mildew or even foundation issues. And during the freeze-thaw cycle, this water could be creating cracks in your cement. By using polyjacking to raise the steps up to once again be flush with both the structure and the surrounding concrete slabs, you’re cutting off the pathway for the water to enter.

Sinking concrete will not typically just stop on its own, but in fact it may continue to get worse if the problem is not corrected. When the concrete shifts, even more water can be let beneath the slab, causing further soil erosion and further sinking! As this problem compounds, the cement itself becomes less and less supported underneath. The weight of the unsupported concrete can eventually cause it to crack and crumble, leading to the stairs needing to be completely replaced. By catching the problem of sinking steps early and having professionals correct it, you can avoid potential safety hazards, water damage to your property and having to replace them altogether. Call us for a free quote today and we can get your steps leveled in no time.